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The Cluster Agenda™

Taking clusters to the next level

Agenda (n): A list or program of things to be done or considered

NOTE: If you have found this page, welcome. We have not publicly announced the Cluster Agenda, so consider these pages under construction. Check back soon.

Computational Clusters have grown from a back room curiosity to a driving force in the HPC community. The roll your own nature of cluster computing has also created a wide community of users, vendors, and applications. The Cluster Agenda is an effort to catalog and identify the many separate components of the cluster community. We believe that, just like a cluster, when the components are properly assembled and understood, amazing things can be accomplished. The Agenda is intended to be a yearly snapshot of the community conversation that will help guide users, vendors, and new-comers to the next level of cluster computing.

As part of the community, you are invited to join this effort.

The Deliverable

Our goal is to produce a freely available document, called "The Cluster Agenda", which will be a Road Map of where we have been (best practices) and where we are going (Cluster Challenges). Used as a guide, the Agenda will benefit both existing and new cluster community members. The Agenda Initiative in not an effort to introduce standards or pick winners. It a document for the community by the community.

We plan on releasing the first yearly snapshot at SC06 in Tampa.

Project Scope

The word cluster has many meanings. The Cluster Agenda is clearly focused on computational or High Performance Computing (HPC) Clusters. The Agenda is open to anything the community thinks will help cluster computing grow and flurish.

There are two main components:

  • The Road Map - a compendium of current products, technologies, methods, best practices, etc. that wil help those interested in clustering.
  • Cluster Challenges - a collection of user identified challenges that need special focus from the community.

How You Can Contribute To The Conversation

We have prepared a description of The Agenda Process. The process is designed to address the main issues facing the community. This process is designed to be ongoing however, because we need to know what is important for your success. We invite you to read the invitations and questions, and review the process, then supply your input through this form. You may elect to get update email about the agenda as well by using the form.

We invite all community members to help creating the Agenda. Please go to either:

and contribute to a specific topic or ask a question Contributors must register. Our Privacy Policy is very clear and we will not use names or email for any purpose other than the Agenda. For editing tips (it is really quite easy) you can check this page

The Cluster Agenda Working Committee

The current Working Committee is Jeff Layton, Glen Otero, Dan Stanzione, and Douglas Eadline. You may contact the Working committee through the submission form.


As many of you are aware, ClusterWorld magazine, the main sponsor of the Cluster Agenda, has ceased publication. As editor of ClusterWorld magazine, I had been the principle organizer of the Agenda effort. Now that I and the core columnists from ClusterWorld have established the Cluster Monkey website, We have decided to continue with the Agenda Initiative as well. The Agenda Wiki is the first step in the process. We have reset the schedule to accommodate these changes.